TOX®-Intensifier X-ES

with fast approach function

HZL & X-ES: use this combination when a short cylinder and a cost effective solution is needed.

X-AT & X-ES: use use this combination when high approach and retract forces and fast approach speeds are required.



Order number


X-ES 100.000.0043.69Please login to download the files.
X-ES 100.000.0060.51
X-ES 125.000.0070.80
X-ES 125.000.0123.48
X-ES 180.000.0199.81
X-ES 180.000.0322.52
X-ES 250.000.0424.80
X-ES 250.000.0692.51
X-ES 300.000.0878.73
X-ES 300.000.1300.51